April 8, 2014 0 ...whilst change will indeed be slower if solutions don’t make things easier, better, faster and cheaper; change will be slower still if we ignore the cultural and behavioural change that is also needed at our firms. The Speed of Change (Spoiler Alert: It’s Slow) – Kate Simpson on Slaw.ca (http://www.slaw.ca/2014/04/08/the-speed-of-change-spoiler-alert-its-slow/)
January 28, 2014 0 ... we are reaching the next stage in our search maturity model. We are moving beyond simple search and exploring the integrated search and browse platforms that we see on the Web. Design for Findability Not Just Search: Kate Simpson on Slaw.ca (http://www.slaw.ca/2014/01/28/design-for-findability-not-just-search/)
December 16, 2013 0 ...The profession needs an incubator-like resource that creates a “safe” space for innovators to explore ideas, to find what works and what doesn’t. Legal Innovation: What’s It Going to Take? Kate Simpson on Slaw.ca: (http://www.slaw.ca/2013/12/16/legal-innovation-whats-it-going-to-take/)
October 8, 2013 0 …As we know, perfecting something adds time and cost to a project. Knowing the difference between delivering bet-the-farm quality and “good-enough” is something of an art, but Lean methods challenge the conventional thinking on where to find the right balance. Lean as a Process Catalyst for Legal Technology: Kate Simpson on Slaw.ca (www.slaw.ca/2013/10/02/63439/)