We work at the intersection of Legal, Technology & Design. We are committed to untangling the knowledge complexities in our firms to create the simple, the easy to use and the valuable.

UX SWOT Analysis
of your systems and tools
Law firms call Kate when they want to fix their known usability or findability issues, or are looking to upgrade or replace their systems. By focusing on the user experience Kate’s clients simplify the “feature complexity” that plague their solutions.
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Problem-Solving Workshops
for your internal teams
Kate runs her highly practical workshops for those law firms wanting to adopt the latest thinking in usability, findability and design within their teams and project lifecycles.
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Knowledge Design
taking Knowledge Management to the next level
Law firms call Kate when they’re fed up with delivering poorly designed, unusable and confusing systems and experiences for their lawyers. They know there must be another way that focuses on real lawyer needs, ease of use and return on investment.
Find out more...A Few of Our Clients
From Both Sides of the Atlantic
As I flick through the scribbled notes I made over the 3 days of the ILTA 2013 conference, I keep returning to the opening Keynote by Scott Klososky. This has…
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” I’m not using this apocryphal quote to suggest that we shouldn’t ask people working in a…
De La Soul says 3 is the magic number. In the design world, however, the magic number is 7 plus or minus 2 (so more of a magic range, I suppose). The reason…
The beautiful devices we hold in our hands to call someone went through this squiggly design process. Those intuitive apps we use on a daily basis went through this. The…